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Historical Documents Comparison: Venetian Observations on the Ottoman Empire late 16th century and An Ambassador's Report on the Ottoman Empire: Dates, substance and tone, motives for writing, languages used, and reliability


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Title: Historical Documents Comparison: Venetian Observations on the Ottoman Empire late 16th century and An Ambassador's Report on the Ottoman Empire

The complete information of the articles is listed below:

De Busbecq, O.G. (1881). An ambassador's report on The Ottoman Empire, 1555, C.T. Forster and F. H. B. Daniell, eds. The Life and Letters of               Ogier Ghiselin de Busbecq. London: C. K. Paul and Co..

Morosini, G. (1970). Turkey is a republic of slaves," in Pursuit of Power: Venetian

Ambassadors' reports on Spain, Turkey, and France in the Age of Phillip II, 1560-1600. New York City, NY: Torchbook/Harper and Row.

1. Dates in which the accounts were written and the historical context involved

2. Similarities and differences between the two documents in both substance and tone

3. Motives for writing

4. Languages used

5. Reliability

 Number of words: 826 (approximately 3 pages)

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