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College Application Manuscript: Who are you? Where are you going? What is the main focus of your Life? How would the most important person in your life describe you and your personality?


Product Description

Title: College Application Manuscript 


1. Who are you? Where are you going? What is the main focus of your Life?                                                                                        

2. How would the most important person in your life describe you and your personality?          

3. Greatest lesson I have ever learned                                                                                            

4. Describe two or more of your personal strengths                                                                      

5. Describe two or more of your personal weaknesses. How will you overcome these weaknesses? What obstacles do you see getting in the way?  How will you overcome these obstacles?                                                                                                                                      

6. What are the major values that guide you?                                                                                

7. Describe examples of your leadership experience and share how you have significantly influenced others or contributed to group efforts over time                                           

8. What do you stand for?                                                                                                              

9. What makes you unique?                                                                                                            

10. Describe a place you have visited lately                                                                                   

11. Explain what you have done to make your community a better place to live                      

12. Do I prefer to study alone or with someone else?                                                               

13. A description of someone in my family                                                                                

14. A brief discussion about competitiveness of education in my country                               

15. Compare two people you know well. How are they similar or different?                            

16. I have always wanted to...                                                                                                      

17. Why have you chosen this degree?                                                                                       

18. An Evaluation of a Person I Admire                                                                                           

19. What are your eating habits?                                                                                                      

20. What are the major causes of poor Health among college freshmen?                                   

21. A Discussion of whether I think Technology has had a Positive Impact on My Life             

22. Describe the most significant challenge you have faced and the steps you have taken to address this challenge                                                                                           

23. Do you prefer to go to a store in person, shop online, or use a catalog?                             

24. Do you consider yourself a shy person? Why or why not?                                                    

25. Have you ever participated in sports? Which one?                                                                 

26. When is competition productive?                                                                                           

27. If I could be anyone, who would I be?                                                                                   

28. What are your unique gifts, passion, and circumstances?                                                     

29. A Definition of Success and a Discussion of what it Means to be Successful in My Culture

30. What can you learn about life outside of the classroom?                                                     

31. An Examination of Identity Theft                                                                                            

32. Describe your experiences facing or witnessing discrimination                                          

33.  Shopping on the Internet: Is it safe or not?                                                                            

34. Describe any of your special interests and how you have developed knowledge in    

      these areas                                                                                                                                

35. Who is the most extraordinary person you have ever met? Describe him or her?                

36. Articulate the goals you have established for yourself and your efforts to accomplish


37. A Description of a Good Leader and Qualities that he-or she Should possess                        


Number of words: 11, 163 (37 pages)

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