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The Need to rethink about the Prices of Foods in the United States: Orr, D. (1994). Prices and the life exchanged: Costs of the U.S. food system


Product Description

Title: The Need to rethink about the Prices of Foods in the United States

1. Introduction of Orr’s article (cited below)

2. Based on Orr’s article, the paper answers several questions:

a. How the costs of food in the United States have artificially been suppressed and the sources of this problem.

b. What should be the exact price of the food across the United States?

c. Solutions to the suppression of food prices will be discussed.

Key source:

Orr, D. (1994). Prices and the life exchanged: Costs of the U.S. food system. In D. W. Orr, On Earth in mind: On education, environment, and the human prospect: Washington, D.C.: Island Press.

Number of words: 1,815


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