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The Language Instinct by Steven Pinker: Chapters 3-9 Summary: Pinker, S. (1994). The Language instinct. New York City, NY: William Morrow and Company.


Product Description

Title: The Language Instinct by Steven Pinker: Chapters 3-9 Summary


1. Chapter 3: Mentalise

2. Chapter 4: How Language Works

3. Chapter 5: Words, Words, Words

4. Chapter 6: The Sounds of Silence

5. Chapter 7: Talking Heads

6. Chapter 8: The Tower of Babel

7. Chapter 9: Baby Born Talking--Describes Heaven

The only source used is indicated below:

Pinker, S. (1994). The Language instinct. New York City, NY: William Morrow and Company.

Number of words: 2,607 (8.6 pages)

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