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Strategic Analysis of Shopify: Thompson, B. (2019). Shopify and the power of platforms. Stratechery LLC.; Amazon and Shopify’s Strategic Approaches to the Ecommerce Business; how Shopify lines up with Porter’s assertions on what is strategy (and what


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Title: Strategic Analysis of Shopify
1. Introduction: Porter’s Theory about what is Strategy and what is Not Strategy
2. Amazon and Shopify’s Strategic Approaches to the Ecommerce Business
3. A discussion and analysis how Shopify lines up with Porter’s assertions on what is strategy (and what isn’t strategy)
How Shopify have effectively Differentiated Themselves from Amazon
4. References

Key sources:
Porter, M. E. (1996). What is strategy? Harvard Business Review, November-December.
Thompson, B. (2019). Shopify and the power of platforms. Stratechery LLC.

Number of Words (excluding references): 2,021 (6.7 pages)

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