Title: Questions and Answers: Story: The Bully in the Workplace
1. ″Louise loves her work. How much attention should she be paying to the nuances she has picked up? How might Liz’s phone call alert her to something much deeper amiss in the management of The Bank? ˝
2. ″Ed and James have a joint business interests outside of The Bank. How might this affect Louise’s reflection on whether to approach James about Ed’s behavior? If Louise does approach James about Ed’s behavior, what are the risks if he acts to discipline Ed? What if he does not? ˝
3. ″How does the liberal use of contracted labor, such as Liz, alter the power dynamics of the workplace? (I don’t think this can be answered on this story—it seems to be beside the point. Need a new question here.) ˝
Number of words: 702 (2.34 pages)
Key source:
Marques, J., Dhiman, S., & Biberman, J. (2011). Stories to tell your students: Transforming toward organizational growth. New York City, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.