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Story: I Just Want to Bang On the Cans All Day: What form of shaping does this story represent (from the standpoint of behaviorism or reinforcement theory)? How and why does extrinsic reward sometimes reduce intrinsic motivation...


Product Description

Title: Questions and Answers: Story: I Just Want to Bang On the Cans All Day 


1. What form of shaping does this story represent (from the standpoint of behaviorism or reinforcement theory)?

2. How and why does extrinsic reward sometimes reduce intrinsic motivation to perform a task?

3. List the three main factors involved in Expectancy Theory. Indicate which factor is affected here and how.

Number of words: 361

Key source:

Marques, J., Dhiman, S., & Biberman, J. (2011). Stories to tell your students: Transforming toward organizational growth. New York City, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.

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