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Selfies and Tetrad method: Sarah Nicole Prickett, Andrew Keen, and Hal Niedzviecki; Tetrad method by Marshall McLuhan, Integration of tetrad method with concepts about selfies. Flew, T., & Smith, R. (2011).


Product Description

Title: Selfies and Tetrad method


1. Introduction: Defines a selfie

2. Interview performed by Tremonti (2013) of CBC among three guests about their views on and experiences with selfies:

Sarah Nicole Prickett, Andrew Keen, and Hal Niedzviecki Tremonti, A. M. (2013, January 30). Selfies: Narcissistic, empowering, or just fun? CBC The Current [Radio]. Retrieved from http://www.cbc.ca/player/Radio/The+Current/ID/2330503135/.

3. Discussion about selfies based on Flew & Smith (2011) Flew, T., & Smith, R. (2011). New media: An introduction. (1st Canadian ed.). Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press.

4. Discussion: Tetrad method by Marshall McLuhan

5. Integration of tetrad method with concepts about selfies

Word count: 1,657 (5.5 pages)

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