Research Method 3: Internal Threats, Instrumentation, Split-half Reliability, Replication of Study, and Minimizing or controlling Threats to Internal Validity
1. Internal Threats
A discussion of different threats to internal validity in research studies:
a. No-equivalent Control Group
b. History
c. Maturation
d. Testing
e. Selection of Subjects
f. Regression to the Mean
g. Instrumentation
h. Mortality/attrition
i. Experimenter and Participants’ Effect
j. Diffusion Treatment
2. External Threats
a. Generalization to Populations
b. Generalization from Laboratory Settings
3. Instrumentation
a. Definition of instrumentation
b. Pretest and posttest evaluation
4. Split-half Reliability
5. Replication of Study
6. Minimizing or controlling threats to internal validity
Number of words: 2, 087 (6.9 pages)