Title: Nursing: Assessment of the Skin (Itchy Skin), Head and Neck (Headache)
Question #1: Assessment of the Skin--Itchy Skin (Prutitus)
(a)I will ask the following questions:…
(b) The following history might be associated with the condition: ….
(c) The risk factors for this condition are as follows:…
(d) I will use the following physical examination technique:…
(e) I will give the patient the following education:…
Question #2: Assessment of Head and Neck: Headache.
(a) I would ask the following questions: …
(b) The following history would be associated with the symptom:….
(c) Risk factors associated with headaches are:….
(d) The physical examination technique that I would use is…
(e) I would give the patient the following education:…
Number of words: 542 (1.8 pages)