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Literature Review: Google Glass Characteristics; Google Glass Benefits; Challenges and Disadvantages of Google Glass; Challenges and Disadvantages of Google Glass


Product Description

Title: Google Glass


1. Introduction

2. Literature Review

i. Google Glass Characteristics

ii. Google Glass design

iii. Google Glass specifications

iv. Google Glass Controversy

v. Google Glass Competition

v.  Google Glass price

vi. Google Glass release date

vii. Developer’s Interest

3. Google Glass Benefits

i. People with Disabilities
ii. Quality, Efficiency, Safety, and Security Checks in the Workplace

iii. Note-taking and overall monitoring of employees 

iv. Revolution of Marketing and Commerce

v. Transformation of the Office and Education

vi. News Collection and Reporting

vii. Impact on Leisure as well as entertainment

viii. Impact on law enforcement

4. Challenges and Disadvantages of Google Glass

i. Short Battery Life

ii. Cultural Barriers

iii. Personal safety issues

iv. Legal/security Challenges/privacy concerns

Number of words: 3,322 (11 pages)

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