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Letter to Fox News Author, Laurie Tarkan: Coping With Workplace Bullying: 1. Thanks the journalist for educating her audience about workplace bullying in her article....


Product Description

Title: Letter to Fox News Author, Laurie Tarkan: Coping With Workplace Bullying

1. Thanks the journalist for educating her audience about workplace bullying in her article

2. Compliments Tarkan’s for addressing the various negative outcomes of workplace bullying

3. Recommends Tarkan to edit her article to include more information about workplace bullying

4. Commends Tarkan for ending her article with tips about how to address workplace bulling

Number of words: 295

 Tarkan’s article is:

Tarkan, L. (2013, April 25). How to cope with bullying in the workplace. Fox News. Retrieved from http://www.foxnews.com/health/2013/04/25/how-to-cope-with-bullying-in-workplace/

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