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Goals and Action Steps Assignment: List one long term personal goal you plan to reach by the end of your freshman year. Include the resources you will use to obtain your goal (who, what, where).


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Title: Goals and Action Steps Assignment                                                                          

1. List one long term personal goal you plan to reach by the end of your freshman year.  Include the resources you will use to obtain your goal (who, what, where).  

2     List a short term personal goal you plan to reach by the middle of this semester.  Include the resources you will use to obtain your goal (who, what, where).

3. List another short term personal goal you plan to reach by the end of this semester.  Include the resources you will use to obtain your goal (who, what, where)

4. List one long term academic goal you plan to reach by the end of your freshman year.  Include the resources you will use to obtain your goal (who, what, where).

5. List a short term academic goal you plan to reach by the middle of this semester.  Include the resources you will use to obtain your goal (who, what, where).

6. List a short term academic goal you plan to reach by the end of this semester.  Include the resources you will use to obtain your goal (who, what, where)

Number of words (answers only): 187

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