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Gay Marriages Myths: Badgett (1994): Gay marriages contribute to the weakening of heterosexual marriage, When a country or state sanctions gay marriage, this sends a sign of legitimacy in the society, churches would be forced to perform gay weddings


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Title: Gay Marriages Myths


This reflection paper is mainly based on Badgett (1994)’s paper, Briefing paper: Will providing marriage rights to same-sex couples undermine heterosexual marriage?

(1) Myth 1: Gay marriages contribute to the weakening of heterosexual marriage

(2) Myth 2: Gay marriages continue to destroy heterosexual marriages

(3) Myth 3: When a country or state sanctions gay marriage, this sends a sign of legitimacy in the society

(4) Myth 4: Churches would be forced to perform same-sex weddings against their will

(5) Myth 5: There is possibility that churches would be forced to perform same-sex marriages or else will loss their tax-exemption status

Number of words: 698 (2.3 pages)

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