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Family Genetic History: Develop a family genetic history that includes the participant’s grandparents, parents, the adult participant’s spouse/significant other, and any other children...


Product Description

Title: Family Genetic History


(a) Develop a family genetic history that includes the participant’s grandparents, parents, the adult participant’s spouse/significant other, and any other children the participant may have. You do NOT need to use symbols or other drawing elements, but instead describe each person mentioned and their relationship. If the adult has any children, include them as the 4th generation.

(b) Evaluation of Family Genetic History: Evaluate the impact of the family’s genetic history on your adult participant’s health. For example, if the adult participant’s mother and both sisters have diabetes, hypertension or cancer, what might that mean for the adult participant’s future?

(c) Planning for Future Wellness: Plan changes based on the evaluation of the adult participant’s family’s health history that will promote an optimal level of wellness both now and in the future. Include what information you would provide to the adult participant regarding the results of the family genetic history.

Number of words: 666 (2.2 pages)

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