Title: Evernote, Redwood City, California: Its CEO’s Leadership Traits
1. A short introduction of Evernote Company
2. A discussion about the CEO’s, Phil Libin, key to running Evernote
3. A discussion about the role of “officer training” at Evernote
4. A discussion about the internship program at Evernote
5. A discussion about the major role of various managers at Evernote
6. Discussion: Guiding principle at Evernote once it increases in size
7. Discussion: Leadership traits Libin uses to motivate his employees to realize growth.
8. Integration of the leadership traits with leadership concepts from the below text:
Northridge, P. (2013). Leadership, theory and practice. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Number of words: 1,162 (3.87 pages)