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Critical Essay 2: Punishment and Justice: Does punishment ‘work’ to achieve justice? If so, how and in what situation? Factors that influence people’s understanding of …


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Title: Critical Essay 2: Punishment and Justice


i. Does punishment ‘work’ to achieve justice? If so, how and in what situation?

ii. Ethical or moral characteristics of punishment that are significant to consider when thinking about what is a fair response to harm in society

iii. How, if at all, is punishment associated with justice?

iv. Factors that influence people’s understanding of ‘justice’. How?

v. A time when someone else I know was punished

vi. What happened?

vii. How did it feel?

viii. How did I respond?

ix. The effects of punishment on them and their relationships?

Number of words: 1,472 (4.9 pages)

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