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Chapter 8: Observation Performance Improvement through Mystery Shopping. Sekaran & Bougie (2013). Research methods for business. Mystery shopping uses… In mystery shopping program, shop assistants…Using coding schemes...


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Title: Questions: Chapter 8: Observation Performance Improvement through Mystery Shopping: Research Methods for Business: A Skill-building Approach 


Chapter 8: Observation Performance Improvement through Mystery Shopping

A. Observation and Mystery Shopping.

B. Mystery shopping uses…

C. In mystery shopping program, shop assistants…

D. Using coding schemes in mystery shopping program

E. Benefits of mystery shopping over other techniques of data collection like interviews or questionnaires

F. Limitations of mystery shopping

G. Developing a more balanced research program to improve the company’s performance

Word count: 643

The chapter/questions are from the below text:

Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. (2013). Research methods for business: A skill-building approach (6th ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.


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