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Chapter 5: Psychoanalytic Counseling: Henderson, D. A., & Thompson, C. L. (2010). Counseling children (8th ed.). Middle school student: Free Association, Humor, Analysis of Incomplete Sentences, and Bibliocounseling


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Title: Chapter 5: Psychoanalytic Counseling: Counseling Children Text
Chapter 5: Psychoanalytic Counseling
1. Describe how you might use each of the following techniques with a middle school student:
a. Free Association
b. Humor
c. Analysis of Incomplete Sentences
d. Bibliocounseling
e. Psychoanalytic Play Therapy
Word count (inclusive of question 1 and a-e above): 2, 682 (8.94 pages)
The only source used is indicated below:
Henderson, D. A., & Thompson, C. L. (2010). Counseling children (8th ed.). Boston,
MA: Cengage Learning.

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