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Chapter 15: Quantitative Data Analysis: Hypothesis Testing... Do you like Timothy’s model? Is it in line with Song Mei Hui’s ideas? Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. (2013). Research methods for business


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Title: Chapter 15: Quantitative Data Analysis: Hypothesis Testing


1. Discuss the following statement: “One of the most important issues in regression analysis concerns model specification (the determination of which independent variables should be included in or excluded from a regression equation).”

2. Do you like Timothy’s model? That is, is it in line with Song Mei Hui’s ideas?

3. What’s the difference between simple regression analysis and multiple regression analysis?

4. Why can’t Timothy run a series of simple regressions (for instance three or seven) to test the hypotheses of his study?

5. Timothy suggests that Pierce & Pierce should create more exciting jobs to attract more employees since the mean of the independent variable “excitement” is relatively low. Do you agree?

6. What managerial conclusions can you draw based on the results of the regression analysis?

7. Song Mei Hui believes that the gender of potential employees may affect the original relationship between prestige and employer attraction. She asks Timothy to test this idea. How can Timothy test this idea?

8. Discuss the following statement: “Regression analysis does not address the issue of causality.”

Word count: 831

The only source used is indicated below: Sekaran, U., & Bougie, R. (2013). Research methods for business: A skill-building approach (6th ed.). Chichester (West Sussex), England: Wiley.

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