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Chapter 1: Overview of Lifespan Development and Beginnings: Santrock (2012): Eight characteristics of the life-span perspective, processes of development, and eight life-span stages (based on Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory)


Product Description

Title: Part 1: Lifespan Development Stages


All information is sourced from the following text:

Santrock, J. (2012). Life-span development (14th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

1. Chapter 1: Overview of Lifespan Development and Beginnings

a. Describe the eight characteristics of the life-span perspective

b. Processes of Development

c. List the eight life-span stages (based on Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Theory) and accompanying age ranges for these stages

Number of words: 1,425 (4.75 pages)

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