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Calculative Thinking: Author integrates calculative thinking with a second source, how calculative thinking may be applied to conflict resolution process, and its limitation. Heidegger, M. (1966). “Memorial address” in discourse on thinking. ( J. M.


Product Description

Title: Calculative Thinking


1. Author discusses one idea they learned from Heidegger’s article titled “Memorial address” in discourse on thinking

2. Author integrates calculative thinking with a second source

3. Author discusses how calculative thinking may be applied to conflict resolution process

4. Author discusses some limitations of calculative thinking and how to overcome them

Word count: 517

Heidegger’s (1966) article is cited below:

Heidegger, M. (1966). “Memorial address” in discourse on thinking. ( J. M. Anderson & E. H. Freund, Trans.). New York City, NY: Harper and Row. (Original work published 1955)

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