Title: APA Analysis Part 2: Article Critique 2
1. APA suggests sections that must be included in a research report. Review your article and recognize and describe every part of the study. Do not define or tell what they should contain, but rather, summarize these sections.
2. The hypothesis or research question of the study
3. The independent and dependent variables
4. Research Design Questions
5. Sampling Questions
6. Describe the instruments utilized to generate data (numbers, scores…) including techniques used to establish reliability and validity of the instrument.
7. Describe the limitations of the study. Examples are maturation, regression, history, subject characteristics, and data collector characteristics.
8. Analysis of the use of ethical procedures or absence thereof. (Is there any mentioning of informed consent or consent to perform the study?) If not, what procedures would have been suitable?)
9. Analysis of the qualities of the research based on worth. Was the topic clearly written, appropriate, and made an input to educational knowledge?
Number of words: 1,480 (4.5 pages)