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Fitness and Exercise: My experience of attending a gym for the first time, how I effectively started to exercise by keeping a diary, indicators of successful achievement of my health behaviour change, daily progress report...


Product Description

Title: Fitness and Exercise


1. My experience of attending a gym for the first time and failing to attend again for several reasons

2. Benefits I will gain as a result of working out and the disadvantages of failing to do so.  I will also discuss how I effectively started to exercise by keeping a diary. The target date is June 10, 2015.

3. How I effectively started to exercise by keeping a diary: Specific activities, behaviours, attitudes or thoughts I will monitor and chart throughout the 9-week period

4. Indicators of successful achievement of my health behaviour change

5. Rewarding Myself

6. Daily Progress Report

Number of words: 1,657 (5.5 pages)

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