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Esther Dyson: Cyberspace, If you do not Love it, Leave it: Esther Dyson makes a distinction throughout this essay between the kinds of communities that are possible in our physical world and the kinds that are possible in cyberspace...


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 Title: Esther Dyson-- Cyberspace—If you do not Love it, Leave it


1. Esther Dyson makes a distinction throughout this essay between the kinds of communities that are possible in our physical world and the kinds that are possible in cyberspace. As you read, make two lists: characteristics of “real world” communities and characteristics of cyberspace communities.

2. In the margins, as you read, indicate your level of attraction or resistance. When Dyson says something that you find interesting and right, make a straight line. When she says something that doesn’t quite make sense to you or that you disagree with, make a squiggly line.

3. In two places, this essay makes use of extra space to separate text; thus the discourse falls into three major parts. Write subheadings or subtitles that describe the emphasis and function of each of these pieces. 

4. Write a paragraph about your own experience in cyberspace. Does it support the claims that Dyson is making?

Number of words: 847 (2.8 pages)

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