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Chapter 19: Counseling Children with Special Concerns: Henderson, D. A., & Thompson, C. L. (2010). Child Maltreatment, Children in Chemically Dependent Families, Death and Bereavement, Depression and Suicide, and Different Family Structures


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Title: Chapter 19: Counseling Children with Special Concerns: Counseling Children Text
For the following chapter, summarize how each item can relate to your work with children or adolescents:
Chapter 19: Counseling Children with Special Concerns
a. Child Maltreatment
b. Children in Chemically Dependent Families
c. Death and Bereavement
d. Depression and Suicide
e. Different Family Structures
Word count: 7,594 (25.31 pages)
The only source used is indicated below:
Henderson, D. A., & Thompson, C. L. (2010). Counseling children (8th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning.

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