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Canada’s Native American Community and AIDS/HIV: Discrimination, changes in Canadian policy and public health law to address the epidemic of AIDS and HIV virus among Canada’s Native American community


Product Description

Title: Canada’s Native American Community and AIDS/HIV


1. Introduction: Partly, it offers the thesis of the paper, which is to emphasizing for changes in Canadian policy and public health law to address the epidemic of AIDS and HIV virus among Canada’s Native American community

2. Discusses the issues hindering addressing of discrimination for Canada’s Native American and factors contributing to increasing the high rate of HIV transmission among Canada’s Native American community

3. Provides solutions to the issues and factors in 2 above

4. Discusses the inadequate funding for HIV/AIDS programs well as services for Canada’s Native American community and provides solution to this problem

5. Provides issues among Canada’s Native America that can negatively impact their reaction to HIV/AIDS and provides solutions to these issues

6. Conclusion

Word count: 1,163 (3.87 pages)

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