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Article Critique: Transportation Challenges in Malta: Attard, M. (2014, January 28). Transport problems, experts and discourse. States and explains key sections in the article/research


Product Description

Title: Article Critique: Transportation Challenges in Malta


Author analyzes the article below:

Attard, M. (2014, January 28). Transport problems, experts and discourse. Times of Malta. Retrieved from http://www.timesofmalta.com/articles/view/20140128/opinion/Transport-problems-experts-and-discourse.504464

1. Analysis: Provides a summary of key points in the article

2. Evaluation A. States and explains key sections in the article/research. Author uses outside sources to evaluate the sections. B. States weaknesses of the article and improves them

3. Analyzes the research design used in the article

Word count: 1,257 (4.19 pages)

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