Title: Questions and Answers: Story: ″FifiIkaMaka": Preparing and Sharing the Gifts from the Ocean
1. This story provides a description of a distribution system that differs from that of a ″market economy.″ Can you describe the system of entitlement and responsibility in this story? Can you describe the system of entitlement and responsibility of your own culture?
2. Skills and competencies are an important part of education. What was Palu learning through his participation in the work of fishing?
3. What are the dominant educational values that underpin your degree courses? Are these diverse enough for the development of your aspirations for yourself? Are these diverse and critical enough to guide you in your understanding and interrelationships with people who are different from you?
Number of words: 439
Key source:
Marques, J., Dhiman, S., & Biberman, J. (2011). Stories to tell your students: Transforming toward organizational growth. New York City, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.