Title: The Need for all Nations of the World to Work Together to Heal the Environment
Key sources
Singer, Peter. “One World: The Ethics of Globalization”. A changing World. New Haven, Yale
University Press, 2004.1-13.
Suzuki, David. Homo sapiens: Born of The Earth. Ed. Nancy F. Amherst, Prometheus Books,
1998. 9-28.
1. Introduction
2. A discussion about how rampant consumerism affects our attempts at healing the environment 3. A discussion about why any large-scale effort to heal the environment must be global
4. A discussion about if Peter Singer is correct that any large-scale effort to heal the environment must be global is largely a moral one or if “scientism” is to blame
4. A discussion about if nations have the collective will to press for environmental reform given the fact that the world economy is currently depressed
Number of words: 1,693 (5.64 pages)