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Summary: Chapter Seven: Ending Violent Conflict: Peacemaking: Ramsbotham, O., Woodhouse, T., & Miall, H. (2011). Contemporary conflict resolution (3rd ed.). Cambridge, United Kingdom: Polity.


Product Description

Title: Summary: Chapter Seven: Ending Violent Conflict: Peacemaking


1. Introduction

2. Challenges Encountered in Ending Violent Conflict

3. Conflict Resolution and Ending War

4. De-escalation, Ripeness, and Conditions for Ending Violent Conflict

5. Mediation and Third Party Intervention

6. Negotiations and Settlements

Word count: 1,129 (3.76 pages)

Chapter 7 is from the below text:

Ramsbotham, O., Woodhouse, T., & Miall, H. (2011). Contemporary conflict resolution (3rd ed.). Cambridge, UK: Polity.

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