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Sociology of Health: Modafinil Smart Drug Societal Impacts and Solutions; Khazan (2015) article, “The rise of work-doping”


Product Description


Title: Sociology of Health: Modafinil Smart Drug Societal Impacts and Solutions
1. Discusses Modafinil smart drug societal impacts and solutions 
2. Analyzes Khazan (2015) article, “The rise of work-doping” 
3. Uses other sources to support the article
4. Author provides own views about Modafinil smart drug   
Word count: 950 words

Title: Sociology of Health: Modafinil Smart Drug Societal Impacts and SolutionsContents

1. Discusses Modafinil smart drug societal impacts and solutions 

2. Analyzes Khazan (2015) article, “The rise of work-doping” 

3. Uses other sources to support the article

4. Author provides own views about Modafinil smart drug   

Word count: 950 words


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