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Phonebloks: Technical and Financial Feasibility: Technical Assessment of Phoneblok Concept, Expected Monthly Operating Expenses, Phonebloks Pro forma Income Statement, Pro forma Cash Flow Forecasts, Pro Forma Balance Sheet


Product Description

Title: Phonebloks: Technical and Financial Feasibility


1. Introduction: Technical Feasibility

2. Innovativeness in Phonebloks

3. Risks Linked to the Concept of Phonebloks

4. Material Requirement in Phonebloks

5. Technical Assessment of Phoneblok Concept

6. Developing a Phoneblok Prototype

7. Introduction: Financial Feasibility

8. One-time Start-up Expenditures of Phonebloks

9. Expected Monthly Operating Expenses

10. Short-term Financial Projection of Phonebloks

11. Phonebloks Pro forma Income Statement

12. Phonebloks Pro forma Cash Flow Forecasts

13. Phonebloks Pro Forma Balance Sheet

14. 3-5 Year Financial Views

15. Break-even Analysis for Phonebloks

16. Marketing Strategy

17. Our First Set of Customers: “Light House”/Early Adopters Customers

18. Cost of Customer Acquisition

19. Lifetime Value of Customers

20. References

21. Appendices

Appendix I: Pictorial Representation of Phoneblok Concept

Appendix II: Parts of a Phoneblok

Appendix III: 12-month Cash Flow Projections (in tens of thousands of dollars)

Word count (without references and appendices): 6,008 (20 pages)

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