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Has GiveIndia optimized its SEM (search engine marketing) program? What metrics can be used to evaluate the SEM program? What are your suggestions for improving the number of donations from the SEM program? Tripathi, S., & Bhasker, S. (2016). GiveInd


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Title: GiveIndia Search Engine Marketing Program
1. Has GiveIndia optimized its SEM (search engine marketing) program? What metrics can be used to evaluate the SEM program? What are your suggestions for improving the number of donations from the SEM program?
2. References
3. There is also a PowerPoint Presentation file
Word count (answers for 1 only): 758 (2.5 pages)

A key source is indicated below:
Tripathi, S., & Bhasker, S. (2016). GiveIndia: On the Net for a cause. Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation. 1-14.

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