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Culture Change at Pace: Pace set out five values. They include passion, integrity, and accountability. The other values are innovation and appreciation. What would you require to establish whether these...


Product Description


1. Pace set out five values. They include passion, integrity, and accountability. The other values are innovation and appreciation. What would you require to establish whether these were espoused values or values-in-use? Are there other values-in-use that you can recognize?

2. Can you judge whether culture change at the company was ‘apparent’, ‘revolutionary’, or ‘incremental’?

3. In 2010, the leaders of Pace were certain that culture change at the company had contributed directly to radical performance improvement. Do you agree?

The Pace case/questions are from the following text:

Myers, P., Hulks, S., & Wiggins, L. (2012). Organizational change: Perspectives on theory and practice. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.

Number of words: 655 (2 pages)

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