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Consider the following scenario: the U.S. president asks the Office of Legal Counsel whether there is legal authority, under U.S. law, to carry out the following actions: (1) sending new prisoners to Guantanamo and holding them indefinitely without t


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Part A
Consider the following scenario: the U.S. president asks the Office of Legal Counsel whether there is legal authority, under U.S. law, to carry out the following actions: (1) sending new prisoners to Guantanamo and holding them indefinitely without trial, access to any court, or hearing of any kind for purposes of gathering information about possible terrorist attacks (2) secretly using waterboarding and sleep deprivation as interrogation methods for these new prisoners (secret in the sense that these methods would not be publicly disclosed), (3) ordering military action against Iran, based on concerns that Iran supports and finances terrorist groups carrying out attacks in Israel (against a U.S. ally), and (4) secretly ordering intelligence officials to examine the content of all phone calls Americans make, both domestically and internationally. The president explains that there are concerns about possible terrorist attacks against the United States in the near future. Congress is in session but has not been consulted about these proposed actions…
In writing your paper, please discuss specific information from the Bush, Obama and Trump presidencies…

Part B: References

Number of words (answers only): 1,950 (6.5 pages)

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