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Marketing Plan: Toy Manufacturing Company in the United States: Competitive Environment; Forecasting Sales; External Environment; Pricing Decision, Monitor, and Adjustment; Product Research and Development Goals


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Title: Marketing Plan: Toy Manufacturing Company in the United States
Please note: The toy company is a proposed startup
1. Competitive Environment: Toy Industry in the United States
2. External Environment
3. Pricing Decision, Monitor, and Adjustment
4. Pricing, Advertising and Sales Force Management Decisions to Support Proposed Competitive Position
5. Product Research and Development Goals
6. Forecasting Sales
The forecasting factors in the following variables:
a. GDP Change
b. Seasonal Factors
c. Price Change
d. Advertising Change
e. Sales Salary Change
f. Sales Commission Change
g. Number of Salespersons Change
h. New Model Introduction
i. Competitor’s Action
Word count: 2,560 (8.5 pages)

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