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Bentley University. (2014). The preparedu project: An in-depth look at millennial preparedness for today’s workforce; Notter, J., & Grant, M. (2015). When millennials take over: Preparing for the ridiculously


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Title: Millennial Readiness for Contemporary’s Workforce
1. Analyzes the below article and integrates it with Notter & Grant (2015) text
Bentley University. (2014). The preparedu project: An in-depth look at millennial preparedness for today’s workforce. Retrieved from https://www.bentley.edu/files/prepared/1.29.2013_BentleyU_Whitepaper_Shareable.pdf
Notter, J., & Grant, M. (2015). When millennials take over: Preparing for the ridiculously
optimistic future of business. Washington, DC: IdeaPress Publishing.
Word count (without references): 701 (2.33 pages)

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